Sunday, January 30, 2011

My new rabbit cage.

Hello everyone, I am excited about my new cage. It was just completed yesterday. It took 3 week to build this cage. Thanks to my worker. Now my rabbits has a new comfortable to stay.


Becci said...

These cages look sooo small. Can they even move around in there!? If i were you I would have at least double the size for ONE bunny.

And the "floor" doesn't look too comfy for their small paws. They should have something soft to walk on, like hay.

Anonymous said...

Becci said - херня, кролик растет быстрее если мало двигается, клетки зачетные, можно я размещу фото на своем сайте - свой земельный участок?

Anonymous said...

9 соток - свой земельный участок
Авторы фото спасибо - ты молодец и клетки твои для кроликов хорошие!

Anonymous said...

Becci must be a PET person that believes an acre is not enough for one rabbit. The bottoms of these cages - can you even see them clearly enough to make that kind of a comment? Size, can you tell where the sides are, or are you just judging by the doors? I can see that many of these cages are quite long, encompassing at least three sections per cage.

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Anonymous said...

These cages are far too small and not high enough - rabbits need to stand on their hind legs occasionally! Even four times one of the door widths wouldn't be enough. The wire floors are clearly visible and are very bad for rabbits' sensitive feet. No hay I notice which they need for keeping their teeth down and for comfort!! Comfort, what's that I hear you cry, poor things, they are clearly not kept as pets but for financial gain!!!

Anonymous said...

This is terrible, the cages are tiny water bottles are not ideal at all, I don't see any toys either?

Paranursepete said...

What did you put between the top layer and bottom layer to prevent the top rabbits from urinating and pooping on the bottom rabbits?

Unknown said...

Looks cool I'm going to put up something similar to this one.

Unknown said...

Great job! Looking at ideas as I'm about to rebuild mine.My current ones are 5 years old. Don't listen to people with no bunny experience!

Unknown said...

Existe uma grande diferente entre cunicultores e criadores.
Começando pelas gaiolas.
Quanto menor a gaiola, mais rápido o coelho cresce pro abate.
Gaiolas grandes, é disperdicio de tempo e ração.
O chão tem que ser telado com uma tábua de descanso, pra n estar em contato com fezes e urina.

Unknown said...

Brinquedos 🤔, tu está zuando né, existe uma grande diferença em criadores e cunicultores.

Unknown said...

Definitivamente vc n intende nada sobre Cunicultura.

Unknown said...

Gostaria de saber também

Unknown said...

Hi these cages are great what are the dimensions of each cage I want to build some to house fancy pigeons thank you

Anonymous said...

Looks great. Never mind the pet people.

I too would like to know more about your waste system though. Would you share more please?

Anonymous said...

That is sooo fantastic! I can imagine you now can double the number of rabbits you are holding, i suppose! Congratulations!! Great job! Share this with everyone, so they can get inspired too!! I suppose you live in a big home yourself, arent you? Where you can walk in and out of rooms and have plenty to do and have much comfort. Great!